Sunday, October 14, 2007

ERA Farewell

After 2 years worked for education in Aceh, ERA (Education Rehabilitation in Aceh)was scheduled to be completed on 30 September 2007. Most of counterparts in Aceh Province have wonderful impressions on ERA. The most significant thing impressed the counterparts were the commitments and approach used by ERA. It is true. ERA had two magnificent women, Mary Fearnley Sander and Karen Guillespie. Those two women, led ERA to become the most appreciated education program in Aceh which focused on empowering the people of Aceh. Personally, I am grateful to have both of them.

I knew Mary from 2002. She worked in UNESCO as a CTA (Chief Technical Advisor) for CLCC program which was conducted in collaboration with UNICEF. At that time, I was a UNICEF Provincial Project Officer (PPO) based in Bandung – West Jaya. When I was promoted as Assistance Project Officer for Education Section in UNICEF Jakarta, I worked closer with Mary.

I think Mary knows me well. She knew that I had a lot of unpleasant of even terrible experiences when I worked in UNICEF. It was not because of the system of the UN organization. It’s only because of the persons who I worked with. I think we have common vision and perception about work and commitment. Mary had become my best friend. I decided to quit from UNICEF on March 2006. Mary suggested me to join with TAFE Global who will bid for Cluster Program in Aceh. (I did not know that Mary will become the Manager for ERA AusAID). Afterwards TAFE Global hired me for managing the program. After 9 months worked with TAFE Global, Mary told Coffey International Development (Coffey ID) to hire me for managing the expansion of the cluster program until the last of September 2007.

I am grateful to know you Mary. And I also admire you. You have tremendous experiences in managing education program in Indonesia. I understand why counterparts in Aceh asked you to lead the ERA for the next round. Like pak Sofyan said, your commitment to improve education quality in Aceh is enormous and even superior compare to the Acehnese. You are fully committed to improve education quality in Aceh.

One thing I admire you is how you believe and appreciate local – national people. I remember when we have a meeting with the Rector of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), you said “It’s a pity. Everyone always think that decision makers will listen and trust more to foreign people compare local – national experts. They should more consider on you, because you are the one who knows better about the needs and problems”. Whether you realize or not, that moment has also increased my self esteem and self confident.

My friendship with Mary did not mean that we never fight or disagree. Sometime we have different view or perception about one matter. Again I am grateful because besides she appreciated the different Mary always believes that I do not have particular interest in discussing or doing anything related with education. Mary believes that I only have untainted interest for education and children. She always appreciated what I done, even it just a small things. Thank you Mary, it was my contentment and satisfaction working with you.

Karen Gillespie! She is the warmest and most wonderful person I ever knew! I met Karen for the first time in the end of May 2006. Mary introduced her as Program Coordinator for ERA At that time I was assigned as Project Manager for Cluster Program under TAFE Global – NSW Australia and therefore I did not have a direct command line her. However, Karen always there when I need her. She understood that I stay far away from my children and how hard and difficult it is. Karen said that I can call her anytime when I need someone to talk.

When Coffey took over my contract, Karen’s role in providing assistance for me was much superior. I am impressed with her aptitude and capability. Karen always think systematically and comprehensive. Everything is become simple and easy after we talk with her. Karen was not only providing technical assistance. Although Ian (her husband) was not always stay in Aceh, and it means that Karen was also stay alone in Aceh, she bestows passionate and friendly communication.

Karen and Mary are different. And the combination of the two was the greatest. Mary and Karen filled each other and it was good in creating a conducive and comfortable working environment. I am so glad to know the two of you. I am also proud having work with you.

Karen planned to go home to Australia and stay with her family. Mary will work in ERA until April 2008. As Education and Training Manager for CEPA, I will work closely with Mary. Although Karen has gone back to Australia, she promised me that she will not forget me. She will support me from the distance.

There are some other wonderful persons in ERA. There are Sofyan Gani, Samsul Bahri, Lilis Ridwan, Afnan, Gatot, Herman, and others. They are wonderful persons. With their unique and different style, they keep me with warm and wonderful working environment. Thank you all for your support for me and the cluster program. God Bless you!