Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Collaborate with Megaphone Radio Station

In the previous program, we built teachers' capacity in creating and developing a newsletter. My original idea was to build teachers capacity in creating and developing a very simple Cluster Newsletter, so teachers can share their experiences and ideas to other teachers in the cluster. The newsletter should be developed locally and using applied and appropriate technology. Unfortunately, the communication expert did not have common understanding. The result was, although the cluster people could developed a newsletter, it seem that it is difficult to keep the sustainability. It was too high tech and too expensive as well, while there were a gap between the technology we used and their capacities in using advance technology. Even more, in primary school level, most of the schools do not have computer.

For the second phase of the program, I suggested ERA to collaborate with radio broadcaster. With this media, I am sure that we can disseminate much more information, experiences and lessons learnt; to a broader audiences. Not only for the school community at the 4 pilot clusters, but also to all people in the district. With this approach, hopefully the concepts, knowledge and expriences related with the revitalisation of the school cluster system, will improve people awareness and commitment to make changes for children education improvement in Aceh.

Tomorrow Zulkarnaen from Megaphone Radio in Pidie will discuss about the feasibility of creating special program for school community. Hope we can achieve common understanding and commitment.


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